PEP & OFAC List Screening

Sanctions lists screening and monitoring

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Screen Customers Against PEP, OFAC Watchlists

Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) pose a high risk to financial institutions as they bear the potential to commit offenses like bribes or corruption. Transacting with them highly puts organizations at risk of fraud and money laundering. Our AML screening solutions help financial institutions to detect PEPs while opening a bank account. Banks and other companies can avoid facing severe regulatory fines as well as potential reputational damage.

  • Flag people, businesses, and countries involved in illegal acts
  • Mitigate risks of dealing with sanctioned entities
  • Safeguard company’s reputation, capital
  • Reduce the risk of fines related to watchlist screening
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Automated Sanctions Lists Screening

Our AI-integrated software will enable you to screen PEPs in seconds. Integrating this into your workflows help you to make customer onboarding swift and flag high-risk identities or businesses instantly. These sanctions lists are collated with several regulatory or international bodies. The most relevant sanctioning bodies across the globe are:

  • European Union (EU)
  • Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
  • UN Security Council
  • HM Treasury
  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)

Global Watchlist Screening Solution

Sanctions Data Sources
law enforcement
Law Enforcement Lists
Real-time batch file Screening
PEP Data Coverage
Updated Database
AI-integrated API
GDPR, CCPA Compliant

How Can We Help

identity verification
Identity Verification

Determine the authenticity of the customer by verifying identity documents, biometric verification across the globe.

kyc aml compliance
KYC/AML Compliance

Comply with regulatory obligations and screen the customers for terrorism financing or money laundering.

know your business
KYB – Know Your Business

Perform business verification, ensure due diligence by obtaining official company database using APIs.

age verification
Age Verification

Verify customers’ ages with streamlined onboarding. Identify red flags, beat fraudsters at ease.

watchlists screening
Sanctions Lists/Watchlists Screening

Know if the potential customer/player belongs to the sanctions lists. Keep PEPs out, prevent fraud.

address verification
Address Verification

Verify the validity of the address of your customer. Check if the format, identity data, location, etc. is reliable.

Contact Us

Uncover reliable solutions that facilitate smooth identity verification, user-friendly journeys,
and fraud deterrence.

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